17 Feb 2014

Revised National Crop Insurance Scheme

Based on evaluation studies, experience gained through implementation and feed-back of the stakeholder, various improvements / changes have been made in yield index based Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS).

 Weather index based Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) & crop specific based Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) and a new umbrella central sector scheme in the name of ‘National Crop Insurance Programme’ (NCIP) has been introduced by merging MNAIS, WBCIS & CPIS throughout the country from Rabi 2013-14. 

The major improvements made in the scheme are: 

• Full-fledged implementation throughout the country with compulsory coverage of the loanee farmers. 

• Two higher indemnity levels of 80% & 90% instead of earlier 70%, 80% & 90%. 

• Those States which are unable to reduce insurance unit at village/village panchayat, will be allowed to implement at higher unit area level (upto a cluster of maximum 15 villages) with prior approval of DAC for first 3-5 years. 

• States implementing MNAIS at Village/Village Panchayat level are entitled for 50% reimbursement of incremental expenses of CCEs from GOI with the cap provision based on the annual budget. 

• Provision for add-on/index plus products for horticultural crops for compensating losses due to perils of hailstorm, cloudburst etc. 

• As per provision approved under NCIP by the Cabinet, 5,000 Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) shall be created through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode for proper implementation of Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) during 12th Plan period. 

There is no discrimination between loanee and non-loanee farmers in respect to the premium rates, premium subsidy, loss assessment, claims payment procedure etc., under NCIP. The loanee farmers are covered on compulsory basis and non-loanee farmers on voluntary basis. 

This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Shri Tariq Anwar in a written reply to Lok Sabha questions. 

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